Saturday, October 19, 2013

Peasant under Glass...

A well-to-do couple from out of town want to make their annual visit – meet for lunch and catch up on whatever news before winter sets foot.

The gentleman is retired from a long and profitable career in the manufacturing sector; his lovely wife has been a perfect social complement over the years and enhanced his role and popularity. Both have a delightful sense of humour , are impeccable host/hostess at home, and offer pleasant company.
While they don’t particularly flaunt their fat wallet, their lifestyle is by design - more robust and no scrimping. 

When it comes to dining out, the invitation is for presence only, not as a guest. A favourite destination here is a dining room overlooking the water where the food is good and atmosphere relaxed. Next week’s get together will be predictably enjoyable – not highbrow or haughty. One of the ladies attending is a favoured guest – the rest of us fill in with easy conversation and occupy seats; ordering simple fare respectful of our budget constraints - and picking up our own cheque.

The favoured guest is cognizant of the pecuniary concerns; we don’t however want to peep audibly, preferring to remain discreet. The food is excellent and prices reasonable. There are several menu selections to choose from – one of which is “Peasant Under Glass”.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

It don’t mean a thing……

As clothing styles change and change again from season to season, I’ve heard it said that if we keep a specific item long enough it will eventually come back into fashion! There may be slight differences in buttons, pocket flaps, cuffs or not – but essentially the similarities are close.

Business attire included “dress down” days on Fridays, when employees could appear for work dressed more casually but still professional. Some observers feel that standards of dress went downhill from there, and indeed Premier Kathleen Wynne here in Ontario recently gave notice that anyone working at the provinces capitol buildings (Queen’s Park) would have to dress with respect to the institution and all it represents. In short, no tees/tanks/short shorts, plunging necklines or high-thigh length skirts, flip flops, sneakers, toe rings or the like!

In my profession as a REALTOR® it is seldom that I wear anything but dress pants to the office. When one least expects it there may be occasion to walk an acreage, climb a fence, ladder or tree, or peak into an attic space – and a skirt or dress simply will not do!

Discerning whether clothing items are appropriate for the occasion is sometimes a struggle – the essential little black dress can always be toned down or glitzed up for example. Maybe a tailored jacket over a sleeveless dress or loafers that can be left under the desk and heels instead offer a smooth segue to dinner.

It’s a treat to
walk feminine, talk feminine, smile and be gay feminine (as the lyrics go from Disney’s 1963 film entitled Summer Magic).  Pencil skirts, sleek boots, printed hosiery or tights can suit many occasions, but for me “it don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing”!

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Funny how similar traits often are passed down through family generations. Mannerisms, appearance and mode of dress are often easily identifiable – college students returning home for a visit after a long absence may hear over and over again that “you look just like your Dad/Mom” or “I knew it was you before I even laid eyes on you, same voice as your Pa’s”.

Sisters may have close ties and mutual traits and interests, or little in common.
Likewise of course with brothers. In my family, Mother and both daughters have a shared interest in footwear; as does one niece! My sister is a fashionista with a stunning flair for putting “the look” together. She sometimes chides me not to be too matchy matchy with handbag and shoes, or accessories. And only one animal print at a time! We can never have too many pairs of shoes and nothing more tantalizing than eyeing up stunning footwear in the store window at a big mall!

Nearly two years ago, when visiting Toronto at the same time the The International Film Festival was in full swing, we zealously pounded the pavement and included a visit to the Bata Shoe Museum. With tired tootsies we had several purchases to gloat over!

With appropriate occasions few and far between for one luscious pair of life-threatening ohh-lah-lah sandals, I had an opportunity to wear them just this past week. Unbelievably coincidental, a doctor friend was exiting behind me, and he was appalled! “Good god woman, what have you got on your feet? You’ll break your *!XO!* leg wearing those ridiculous things.”

I was too busy concentrating on the uneven sidewalk to reply. My focus was, to be succinct, Stilted/Measured and Careful steps.