Thursday, November 25, 2010


Mixing Business With Pleasure

One of my Musings from Muskoka several months ago was a post about Tits ‘n Teeth.

As the Christmas holiday season approaches we should remind ourselves of the becoming and unbecoming incidents which can occur when colleagues fraternize after hours.

The real estate brokerage whom I represent holds a daytime lunch one year and an evening dinner/dance on alternate years.  It seems that when partygoers venture onto the “thin ice” of propriety they can easily crack though. 

Unless you don’t care about your reputation, the laws of probability, or water-cooler gossip;  don’t guzzle the wine or liquor, don’t wear too provocative attire, and don’t dance too close with anyone except the person you came with. Temptation can surprise you when you least expect it.

Think smart, keep safe, and be sure you’ll be able to look in the mirror the next morning without regret!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

                                                       Pacific Oysters

Several years ago my husband and I travelled the Inside Passage of British Columbia on the B.C.Ferries system. At Port Hardy we had a “splurge” dinner at a lovely restaurant. Not being really hungry that night, I thought I’d order 2 small appetizers instead of an entrĂ©e.

Pacific Oysters was my choice. They arrived – a total of 6 pieces. Each resembled a grey looking boiled egg – just firm enough to hold its shape but not more than that. And these weren’t teensey-weensey sizes either - I was sure they were too big to just gulp down with a chaser! So I didn’t.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

                                          Be Engaging

Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, or so it’s been said; but in this busy workaday world other engagements are welcome as well. For example, even in a frenzied atmosphere you can sense, when speaking with someone on the telephone, that they are interested in what you’re saying, and quite possibly interesting as well! 

Telephone etiquette is almost a lost art when everyone is moving at breakneck speed, however, it’s important to remember that the voice at the other end of the line is a real person, so be engaging.

You might just make their day!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sunday Service
I try to take one day a week to have a little downtime with my family. The secret is to pencil in that personal time on the calendar, like an appointment that’s booked ahead. Sundays start with a little sleep-in later, read the morning paper, have two mugs of coffee and pad around in my slippers . The volume on my cellphone is often turned down too.  

 My real estate business though is client-based, and sometimes there is room for exceptions. One Buyer client is a roads construction foreman, and her hours of work are crazy too. So when this gal called today wanting an appointment to view, I gladly provided Sunday service.

It was her one day off too!