Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rainy Days and Mondays

Rainy days and Mondays……

Part of the lyrics from a tune made famous by The Carpenters. I’m on a song-kick again – humming melodies and trying to fill in the blanks of forgotten words!  If you think back you’ll recall that the rest of the line is “always get me down”.

Daydreaming of those wonderful Laura Secord™ easter eggs that would seriously compromise my dieting efforts has thrown me into a grump slump. No daffodils, wilted crocus and snowdrops who tried too hard too soon, and wet feet  - to say nothing of a driving rain that very nearly spoiled a visit from my exuberant grandsons.  Now they’ve gone home – but for them a vivid memory of inclement weather, soggy clothes, and plans to visit a sugarbush for pancakes and sausages deterred.

The Advance polls are open today for the Federal election –  I’m going to beat the rush  just in case Monday, May 2nd is a wet one too!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

80 Years Young...

My relatives are all “long-livers” – good healthy genes, I guess – and a zest for life.
The age difference between my own Mother and her sisters was many years – so my Mother’s niece is just 6 years younger than “Ant” (as my Mother is affectionately called).

Today is my cousin’s birthday – and a day of celebration for most…accolades galore for a life well lived, accomplishments documented and even congratulations from local members of Provincial and Federal governments as well as our nation’s Prime Minister.

I’ll be attending, with my Mother (“Ant”) a family dinner this evening – but with a little niggle in the pit of my tummy. It’s been said that the birthday-girl has been dreading “this number” – so will she be able to even smile thinly?

Just in case, I’m taking along a small hand-held fan in case she can’t muster enough enthusiasm to blow out the candles!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

All a-Twitter

Social media is an exciting adventure – whether it’s blogging, posting to interactive sites where people follow each other, taking memberships with internet “find a person” intentions or however you participate. 

Our In-Box(es) can be nearly flooded with notifications – and I’ve found it important to be discerning and respond to those invitations to connect with care and introspect. It’s true that the more followers one has markedly increases the probability of achieving a greater sphere of awareness – for one’s intended purpose.

The first blog I ever heard about was when I watched the movie Julia and Me a couple of years ago. It was astonishing – and so was the actress’ devotion to daily postings. Now I find myself tweeting, re-tweeting, “owl”suite-ing and the list goes on.

As for followers, my blogs have a faithful few – but for me it’s the pleasure of sharing my thoughts on everything from soup to nuts!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April Showers...

We’ve all heard the rest of that old saying…”bring May flowers” – and the subject of gardening is near and dear to the hearts of many. Myself included. Several years ago, on the occasion of her September birthday, I chose large and promising-looking tulip bulbs in a favourite  colour, for a neighbor friend. She was excited – and eagerly planted them under the bay window in front of her house, in anticipation of Spring promise.

Months later, when the snow disappeared enough to discern where the tulips had been planted -  alas, not even a nose peeping out of the ground.Turns out that my friend, who had never gardened before, didn’t realize that the bulbs had to be planted with the “pointy side up” rather than vice versa.

As with many things in life, it seems fair to presume that we all reap what we sow - ever looking forward with anticipation to the fruits of our labour.