This weekend is the much
anticipated Agricultural event. Small towns, villages and hamlets all schedule
specific dates to showcase home crafts, farm animals and fowl, heavy-horse and
tractor pulls and toe-tapping old tyme music!
Concessions food booths offer
a myriad of yummy delights – from cotton candy to burgers, fries and pogo
sticks. Outerwear can range from layers one can peel off or rain wear that can
be held in reserve and donned as needed. Kiddies line up with glee as they wait
their turn for the rides – it’s heart warming to see families for whom this is
truly a special occasion and a treat.
Horse trailers and cattle
trucks lurch across uneven fields to find designated parking areas; crates of
squawking/squalling or screeching pets are bumped along and settled in covered
display barns and sheds for everyone to observe.
Would be “hayseeds” stumble
along in long-toed boots and tight jeans, trying to look nonchalant while
reaching for a tissue to catch an allergic sneeze! If you’ve ever been to the
Royal Winter Fair barns in Toronto you’ll remember that the air can actually be
thick with dust, dander and farm smells.
This year’s events represent
the 146th annual Fall Fair and Horse Show. Agricultural Society
Members toil tirelessly from the day-after until opening day the following
Wherever you may live, do try
and get out to visit a Fall Fair near you. The experiences for youngsters and
parents alike are enjoyable, educational and inspirational.
Catch the Fall Fair Fever!