I had occasion recently to
wonder what a traditional gift choice might be to celebrate an 18th
wedding anniversary. Silver and gold are too far off and it’s unlikely either
will be achieved due to time constraints!
A helpful website had
all-inclusive information, to my dismay though – the traditional gift for this
year’s event is listed as Feathers, and more recently Porcelain, or Cat’s Eye Jewelry.
I’m wishing it was another year we’re celebrating!
As I understand it, the phobia
name for Fear
of Feathers is called
For me, the uncertainty is whether it is wings, feathers
or the beating of wings that throws me for a loop.
My Mother tells of a childhood incident around age three
where I stood agape at a chain-linked fence which enclosed pheasants. My
grandfather raised them for both for meat and ladies’ hat adornments. Talons
grabbing the fence, an agitated bird was beating its wings and loudly
squawking. Mother dashed out of the house and plucked me away.
I have every intention of whispering in a certain
someone’s ear beforehand – lest his chivalrous presentation cause me to swoon
not with pleasure or femininity!
I’d love to survive till Year 19 – when a chili pepper is
noted as the traditional choice of commemorative gift. A porcelain gravy boat
or cat’s eye marble would be truly preferable!
It will indeed feel worrisome if my husband, with prettily
wrapped remembrance in hand, utters “please, be seated”.
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