Thursday, February 28, 2013

On the Rack...

February can be so uninspiring …all manner of winter weather brings with it a yearning for something new and different! The routine of grocery-shopping can feel ho-hum as well…then comes the standing in line. For some reason unknown to me, our eyes seem drawn to glossy magazine covers where promises of Spring colours and delectable menus entice.

Home reno ideas are entertaining, with all of the “what ifs…” – even when temperatures plummet the daydreams are hot with anticipation. Online opportunities to upload your own pictures and see what a new palette looks like can be a fun pastime.

Some retailers make donations of light fixtures, tiles and flooring or paint and window hardware to such places as the local ReStore, Goodwill or Value Village outlets. Weekend newspapers feature decorating how-to tips and pull-out sections of ideas. The February 16th issue of the Toronto Star Life Section included their article entitled The Italian job - in Edinburgh…stating “The Hotel Missoni fully explores the use of colour that the fashion house is famous for”…

Hop on down to your local paint store and tickle your senses with possibilities. When choosing colours, buy large size samples – the tiny free colour chips are too small to give you the right impression. I’m getting painters’ itch too – kitchen beware!

Whether your inspiration comes from the newsstand or the fashion perks, your jumpstart on Spring might coincidentally come from what’s on the rack.

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