Thursday, May 16, 2013

Entering backwards…..

My fashion-savvy sister came for coffee this morning and I muttered something about what to wear for a Sunday brunch outing scheduled for two days from now.
Her ears pricked up and I could almost see her nose twitch in anticipation…The suggestion was made, not by me,  that we look through my closet and she would recommend something perfect for almost-Spring but not quite.

In retrospect, it’s positively amazing that we survived the ensuing fracas of weeding out, recycling and tossing! Even my seldom-worn leopard print cocktail boots went the way of other cast-offs!

I must confess that I am drawn like a moth to a flame when shoes, handbags or animal prints are within view. Over time I have been educated so as to adorn myself with only one item at a time which even hints of animal pattern, and I no longer fear that I might resemble the famed “Mimi” from the Drew Carey Show.
Thusly, at least in my sister’s opinion, far too much of the same – so the frenzy began.

Now that the car is loaded with bags and boxes of good, clean and totally usable clothes and footwear, the closet looks amazing. I can readily identify every item;
and pledge, from this day forward,  to neatly hang everything neatly and all facing the same direction.

Educating me as to how I might make a fashion statement is truly impossible, but I have grasped the elementary concept that shoes, bags and accessories don’t have to be “matchy-matchy”!

Still stinging over parting with my leopard print booties, I do solemnly pledge that never again will it be necessary to watch anyone at the closet door entering backwards!

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